As a spray tan business owner, we of course love what we do! We put so much passion into our work, but when it comes to business, we also need to know the numbers. That’s why today we are going to talk all about the money you can make as a spray tan artist. In order to create a successful and sustainable business, we need to make sure that we are putting as much energy into knowing our numbers as we are into the love of what we do as a glow giver. It’s not lost on us that starting a new venture with launching a business comes with a lot of uncertainty and fear from making a large investment. That’s why women who are curious about starting their spray tan biz journey want to know what possible earnings can be made. Some of the questions you may be wondering before starting your sunless biz are:
Is spray tanning a profitable business venture?
Can spray tanning make me a livable wage plus more?
Will it be worth the investment to start my spray tanning business or add spray tanning into my current business?
When we look at how much can be made as a spray tan artist, the answer to all of the questions above is a resounding, “YES!” Spray tanning is a unique beauty service because the startup costs can be minimal and the overhead is relatively low. This allows artists to have a larger profit margin with uncapped income. Let’s let the numbers speak for themselves, shall we? Below we will outline possible income earnings as a spray tan artist so you can get a better idea if this is the right career path for you!
On average, spray tans are typically priced at about $50 each. The price per service can most definitely fluctuate depending on your brand, your geographical area and the type of services you decide to offer. For example, if you decide you want to provide mobile services in an affluent area of your town, you can expect to make upwards of $100+ per appointment, not including retail and add-ons. For the sake of keeping this in the range of what most spray tan artists tend to charge for their services, let’s base this equation off of making $50 per spray tan. Once you become a more seasoned artist who feels good about your routine and the operation of your appointments, you can comfortably do four tanning appointments an hour. In this scenario, at $50 a tan, doing four tans an hour, your income would come out to around $200 an hour. To take a broader look at the possibilities that being a sunless business owner offers, explore the income graphic below.
The wonderful part about starting a spray tanning business is the fact that you can build this business to be anything you want it to be! You have the option to be a solo artist making $200 an hour by yourself. You have the option to scale your business and open a brick and mortar that has employees. You can operate your business as a mobile artist to keep expenses low and service prices higher. The variety of business models that are available to you allows there to be a high possibility of bringing in a 5-6 figure income! As we mentioned earlier, your service price is also your base price! You have the opportunity to double the amount you make per appointment by offering retail and expanding your services with add-on options. Carrying retail in your business allows you to not only make more money, but also create a five star sunless experience for your clients so you can build a clientele of raving fans!
Being your own boss comes with a lot of excitement and fulfillment. Being able to channel creativity and passion into your work is a beautiful thing, but it’s important to know that doing what you love also comes with the type of money you dream of. The possibilities as a sunless biz owner are truly endless and absolutely doable! Getting certified and set up with the right equipment and products is the first step to getting started in this journey on the right foot. Make sure to head over to the X-Tan Sunless website to explore all of our package options!